The Album Cover Challenge

The pandemic hit us all hard at some point in 2020 with everyone stuck at home. The boredom was real so my team and I initiated makeup challenges on Instagram and Twitter . A makeup challenge is a fun test of one’s makeup skills.

Album Cover Challenge Part 1
Album Cover Challenge Part 1 whose Instagram post received 426 likes, 139 comments & 75 saves

I was shocked at the amazing talent I came across in the course of this project! This level of skill and art is the kind that genuinely touches the soul.

Here were some of my favorite looks:

Not sure you’re ready for this :p

Stephanie Ng’ang’a from Kenya (IG:@stephanienganga)
Stephanie Ng’ang’a from Kenya (IG:@stephanienganga)
Vanessa Lubanga from Kenya (IG: @iluvuvanessa)
Vanessa Lubanga from Kenya (IG: @iluvuvanessa)
Maya Keli from Kenya (IG: @myakeli)
Maya Keli from Kenya (IG: @myakeli)
Vanessa Atika from Kenya (IG: @the_atika)
Vanessa Atika from Kenya (IG: @the_atika)
Warimii from Kenya (IG: @warimii)
Warimii from Kenya (IG: @warimii)
Daniella Almona from Nigeria (IG: @almona.d)
Daniella Almona from Nigeria (IG: @almona.d)
Maureen Mutuku from Kenya (IG: @maureentheartist_)
Maureen Mutuku from Kenya (IG: @maureentheartist_)
Gabriella from Kenya
Gabriella from Kenya
Suji Amani from Kenya (IG: @siji_amani)
Suji Amani from Kenya (IG: @siji_amani)
Venus Cherop from Kenya (IG: @venus.cherop)
Venus Cherop from Kenya (IG: @venus.cherop)
Ivy from Kenya (IG: @ivybeautyke)
Ivy from Kenya (IG: @ivybeautyke)

Here are some of the best looks as voted by our audience

Tinashe Mwaniki from Kenya (IG: @tinashemwaniki)
Tinashe Mwaniki from Kenya (IG: @tinashemwaniki)
Nicole Midaye from Kenya (IG: @with_wendo)
Nicole Midaye from Kenya (IG: @with_wendo)

Just when I thought we were done requests to do part 2 started coming in, and so we made it happen!

Album Cover Challenge Part 2 whose Instagram post received 524 likes, 98 comments & 73 saves
Album Cover Challenge Part 2 whose Instagram post received 524 likes, 98 comments & 73 saves

Sauti Sol had just released their latest album and I thought why not promote local Kenyan music? 🙂

Sauti Sol Midnight Train Album Cover
Sauti Sol Midnight Train Album Cover

Here are some of my best looks from part 2

I’ll let you be the judge 🙂

Daniella Almona (IG: @almona.d)
Daniella Almona (IG: @almona.d)
Shiro Thenya from Kenya (IG: @beatsbyshi_)
Shiro Thenya from Kenya (IG: @beatsbyshi_)
Shiko Mwangi from Kenya (IG: @shykohmwangi)
Shiko Mwangi from Kenya (IG: @shykohmwangi)
Award-winning makeup artist Sandra based in Kenya (IG: @makeupbysandra_ke)
Award-winning makeup artist Sandra based in Kenya (IG: @makeupbysandra_ke)
Ann from Kenya (IG: beautybyann_mm)
Ann from Kenya (IG: beautybyann_mm)
Joan Melly from Kenya (IG: @joanmelly_)
Joan Melly from Kenya (IG: @joanmelly_)
Chemutai from Kenya (IG: @_chemuttai)
Chemutai from Kenya (IG: @_chemuttai)
Sylvia from Kenya (IG: @slylooks)
Sylvia from Kenya (IG: @slylooks)
Nadiyah Sadiq (IG: @_nadiyah.s)
Nadiyah Sadiq (IG: @_nadiyah.s)
Marina Mumbi from Kenya (IG: @marinamumbi)
Marina Mumbi from Kenya (IG: @marinamumbi)
(IG: @bitsbypassionmua)
(IG: @bitsbypassionmua)
Nyokabi from Kenya (IG: @nyokabiii)
Nyokabi from Kenya (IG: @nyokabiii)

We managed to create a notable online presence long before introducing a product while giving our audience the motivation to create during that time. I was also importing and selling skincare products by word-of-mouth as a campus student prior to this and wanted to go a different route. Follow my story here.

My part 2 Album Cover Challenge look by Shishi Wanjiru (Photographer)
My part 2 Album Cover Challenge look captured by Shishi Wanjiru (Photographer IG: @shishi.wanjiru)

I collaborated with micro-influencers, posted content on our social media pages, and responded to direct messages and comments in the course of this project. We had over 100 looks within just 2 weeks from our audience based in Kenya, Nigeria, Egypt, Australia, and the UK and over 1,000 comments on this compilation video on Instagram. The biggest win for me personally was being a light at such a dark time.

Here’s what some of the people who took part in the challenge had to say:

Cynthia Chemutai (IG: @chemuttai)
Cynthia Chemutai (IG: @chemuttai)
Monica Shayna
Monica Shayna
Stephanie Ng’ang’a (IG: @stephanienganga)
Stephanie Ng’ang’a (IG: @stephanienganga)
Gigi Fionnah (IG: @gigifionnah)
Gigi Fionnah (IG: @gigifionnah)
Nicole Midaye (IG: @withwendo)
Nicole Midaye (IG: @withwendo)
Tinashe Mwaniki (IG: @tinashemwaniki)
Tinashe Mwaniki (IG: @tinashemwaniki)
Shiro Thenya (IG: @beatsbyshi_)
Shiro Thenya (IG: @beatsbyshi_)
Kimberley Otieno (IG: @kim_kardicey)
Kimberley Otieno (IG: @kim_kardicey)
Vanessa Atika (IG: @the_atika)
Vanessa Atika (IG: @the_atika)

IG: @mandisa_08


IG: @_nadiyah.s

IG: @lizwakamau

IG: @beatsbydaluul

IG: @amy.wambui

IG: @malaikah_raja__1

IG: @t_boy2.4

IG: @waithera19

IG: @fidele_alain

IG: @rosabellaa


IG: @beliah_boo

IG: @baby_.meg12_

IG: @c.h.i.t.e.r.i

IG: @rene_wena

IG: @luckygirlforeva

IG: @nyakwakah_

IG: @ashley.waithera

IG: @tysha_katrina

IG: @lookslikekali

IG: @_neema.h

IG: @hellaaaaine

IG: @victoria.imani


IG: @laiksy

IG: @nmkaccesories

IG: @_kinyaaaaa

IG: @kinyanjuiwangui


IG: @debbie.gitonga

IG: @arshlynn_

IG: @thirimbubbles

IG: @tracy._kariuki

IG: @nyamoki_

IG: @lochiilochii

IG: @jules_ridley

IG: @bran.di90

IG: @tamara.ajwang

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